(L)- indicates a lifer
- Red-throated Loon
- Common Loon
- RN Grebe
- Horned Grebe
- Eared Grebe (L)
- PB Grebe
- Western Grebe
- Clark's Grebe (L)
- Am. White Pelican
- DC Cormorant
- AM. Bittern
- Least Bittern
- GB Heron
- Great Egret
- Snowy Egret
- Little Blue Heron
- Cattle Egret (L)
- Green Heron
- BC Night-Heron
- YC Night-Heron
- White-faced Ibis
- Glossy Ibis
- Mute Swan
- Trumpeter Swan
- Tundra Swan
- Canada Goose
- Cackling Goose (many in the middle fly-way)
- Brant
- GWF Goose (same as Cacklers... many migrants)
- Ross's Goose
- Snow Goose (blue and white)
- Wood Duck
- Mallard
- Am. Black Duck
- Gadwall
- No. Pintail
- Am. Wigeon
- Eurasian Wigeon (Stratford)
- No. Shoveler
- Cinnamon Teal (L)
- BW Teal
- GW Teal
- Canvasback
- Redhead
- RN Duck
- Greater Scaup
- Lesser Scaup
- Long-tailed Duck
- Surf Scoter
- WW Scoter
- Common Goldeneye
- Barrow's Goldeneye (one female I found off Penfield late winter)
- Bufflehead
- Hooded Merganser
- Co. Merganser
- RB Merganser
- Ruddy Duck
- Turkey Vulture
- Black Vulture
- No. Harrier (LOTS of grey ghosts in the prairies)
- SS Hawk
- Cooper's Hawk
- No. Goshawk (NJ)
- RS Hawk
- BW Hawk
- Swainson's Hawks (many morphs)
- RT Hawk (5 sbsps, including Kriders, and a possible 6th... maybe Harlan's... VERY dark, looked like those I've seen in AK)
- Ferruginous Hawk (L)
- Rough-legged Hawk
- Golden Eagle (low-ball count around 15)
- Bald Eagle
- Osprey
- Merlin
- Am. Kestrel
- Prairie Falcon (L)
- Peregrine Falcon
- California Quail (L)
- Mountain Quail (L)
- Chukar (L)
- Gray Partridge
- RN Pheasant
- Blue Grouse (L)
- Ruffed Grouse
- Greater Prairie-Chicken (L)... and honor to see a bird on it's way out
- Greater Sage-Grouse (L)
- Wild Turkey
- Common Moorhen (L)
- Am. Coot
- Clapper Rail
- Virginia Rail
- Sora (L)
- Yellow Rail (L).. MAN that was hard to see!!
- Sandhill Cranes... everywhere
- BB Plover
- AM. Golden Plover
- Piping Plover
- Semipal Plover
- Snowy Plover (L) (Lake Taho region)
- Killdeer
- Am. Oystercatcher
- Am. Avocet (L)
- Black-necked Slilt (L)
- Gr. Yellowlegs
- L. Yellowlegs
- Solitary Sandpiper
- Willet
- Spotted Sandpiper
- Upland Sandpiper (abundant through some areas in the Dakotas and prairie land through IL/IN)
- Long-billed Curlew (L)
- Ruddy Turnstone
- Purple Sandpiper
- Red Knot
- Sanderling
- Dunlin
- Pectoral Sandpiper
- White-rumped Sandpiper
- Baird's Sandpiper (L)
- Western Sandpiper
- Semipal Sandpiper
- Least Sandpiper
- Stilt Sandpiper
- LB Dowitcher
- SB Dowitcher
- Buff-breasted Sandpiper
- Am. Woodcock
- Snipe
- Wilson's Phalarope (L)
- Boneparte's Gull
- Franklin's Gull
- RB Gull
- California Gull (L)
- Herring Gull
- Iceland Gull
- Glaucous Gull
- Lesser BB Gull
- GBB Gull
- Caspian Tern
- Co. Tern
- Forster's Tern
- Roseate Tern
- Least Tern
- Black Tern
- Black Skimmer
- Mourning Dove
- WW Dove (L)
- Rock Dove
- Band-tailed Pigeon (L)
- Monk Parakeet
- YB Cuckoo
- BB Cuckoo
- Greater Roadrunner (L)... awesome bird
- Long-eared Owl
- Short-eared Owl
- GH Owl
- Snowy Owl
- Barred Owl
- No. Saw-whet Owl
- Burrowing Owl (L)
- W. Screech Owl
- E. Screech Owl
- Co. Poorwill (L)
- Whip-poor-will
- Co. Nighthawk
- Lesser Nighthawk (L)
- Vaux's Swift (L)
- Chimney Swift
- Black Swift (L)
- White-throated Swift (L)
- Black-chinned Hummingbird (L)
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird
- Calliope Hummingbird
- Broad-tailed Hummingbird (L)
- Rufous Hummingbird (L)
- Belted Kingfisher
- Red-headed Woodpecker
- Lewis's Woodpecker (L)
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Red-naped Sapsucker (L)
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
- Downy Woodpecker
- Hairy Woodpecker
- Three-toed Woodpecker
- No. Flicker ('yellow' and 'red' shafted)
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Olive-sided Flycatcher
- W. Wood-Pewee (L)
- E. Wood-Pewee
- Cordilleran Flycatcher (L)
- Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
- Willow Flycatcher
- Alder Flycatcher
- Least Flycatcher
- Dusky Flycatcher (L)
- E. Phoebe
- Say's Phoebe (L)
- Vermillion Flycatcher (L)
- Ash-throated Flycatcher (L)
- Great-crested Flycatcher
- E. Kingbird
- W. Kingbird (L)
- Loggerhead Shrike (L)
- Red-eyed Vireo
- Warbling Vireo
- Bell's Vireo (L)
- White-eyed Vireo
- Yellow-throated Vireo
- Blue-headed Vireo
- Steller's Jay
- Blue Jay
- W. Scrub-Jay (L)
- Gray Jay
- Pinyon Jay (L)...maybe my fav of the trip
- Black-billed Magpie
- Co. Raven
- Am. Crow
- Fish Crow
- Horned Lark
- Purple Martin
- NRW Swallow
- Bank Swallow
- Violet-green Swallow (L)
- Tree Swallow
- Cliff Swallow
- Barn Swallow
- Juniper Titmouse (L)
- Tufted Titmouse
- BC Chickadee
- Mountain Chickadee (L)..really cool little birds
- Bushtit (L)
- RB Nuthatch
- WB Nuthatch
- Brown Creeper
- Carolina Wren
- Bewick's Wren (L)
- House Wren
- Winter Wren
- Sedge Wren
- Marsh Wren
- Rock Wren (L)
- Canyon Wren (L)
- GC Kinglet
- RC Kinglet
- BG Gnatcatcher
- Mountain Bluebird (L)
- W. Bluebird (L)
- E. Bluebird
- Am. Robin
- Wood Thrush
- Veery
- Swainson's Thrush
- Hermit Thrush
- Gray Catbird
- No. Mockingbird
- Brown Thrasher
- Sage Thrasher (L)
- Euro. Starling
- Sprague's Pipit
- Am. Pipit
- Cedar Waxwing
- No. Parula
- Orange-crowned Warbler
- Tennessee Warbler
- Blue-winged Warbler
- Virginia's Warbler (L)
- Nashville Warbler
- Yellow Warbler
- Chestnut-sided Warbler
- Magnolia Warbler
- Cape May Warbler
- Black-throated Blue Warbler
- Cerulean Warbler
- Blackburnian Warbler
- Yellow-rumped Warbler ('Myrtle' and 'Audubon's... latter a lifer)
- Black-throated Gray Warbler (L)
- Townsend's Warbler (L).... wow, gorgeous
- Black-throated Green Warbler
- Prairie Warbler
- Palm Warbler ('yellow' and 'brown')
- Pine Warbler
- Bay-breasted Warbler
- Blackpoll Warbler
- Yellow-throated Warbler
- Grace's Warbler (L)... thought YTWA until I realized I was in NV
- Worm-eating Warbler
- Prothonotary Warbler...still one of my fav warbs
- Black-and-white Warbler
- Am. Redstart
- Ovenbird
- No. Waterthrush
- Mourning Warbler
- MacGillivray's Warbler (L)
- Co. Yellowthroat
- Wilson's Warbler
- Canada Warbler... dripping off the trees in Ann Arbor, MI
- Hooded Warbler
- Yellow-breasted Chat (L)...been waiting a while for that one
- W. Tanager (L)
- Scarlet Tanager
- No. Cardinal
- Black-headed Grosbeak (L)
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak
- Blue Grosbeak (L)... seen while getting a speeding ticket
- Lazuli Bunting (L)... been waiting since I got my first field guide
- Indigo Bunting
- Dickcissel
- Spotted Towhee (L)
- E. Towhee
- Green-tailed Towhee (L)
- Sage Sparrow (L)
- Black-throated Sparrow (L)
- Am. Tree Sparrow
- Field Sparrow
- Brewer's Sparrow (L)
- Clay-colored Sparrow
- Chipping Sparrow
- Baird's Sparrow
- Grasshopper Sparrow
- Henslow's Sparrow (L)
- Nelson's Sparrow... weird to see in ND
- Savannah Sparrow
- Vesper Sparrow
- Lark Bunting (L)
- Lark Sparrow (L)
- White-throated Sparrow
- White-crowned Sparrow
- Fox Sparrow (2 subspecies)
- Song Sparrow
- Lincoln's Sparrow
- Swamp Sparrow
- Dark-eyed Junco ('pink-sided', 'oregon'. and 'slate')
- McCown's Longspur (L)
- Chestnut-collared Longspur (L)
- Smith's Longspur (L)
- Lapland Longspur
- Snow Bunting
- W. Meadowlark (L)
- E. Meadowlark
- Bobolink
- Brown-headed Cowbird
- Yellow-headed Blackbird
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Brewer's Blackbird (L)
- Co. Grackle
- Boat-tailed Grackle
- Great-tailed Grackle (L)... seen from airplane in Dallas
- Bullock's Oriole (L)
- Baltimore Oriole
- Orchard Oriole
- Scott's Oriole (L)
- Purple Finch
- Cassin's Finch (L)
- House Finch
- Red Crossbill
- Pine Siskin... neat to see in the dessert
- Lesser Goldfinch (L)
- Am. Goldfinch
- House Sparrow
85 lifers, added to my standing 306 gives me 391. My trip goal was to reach 400.... if only I got to the 2nd half! Perhaps I can pull 400 for the US in 2010....