Less than three weeks to go!! (anxious scream). Just got my truck totally done up for my trip (after 2 dyas without.... but I have an amazing mechanic and a ton of stuff only ran me $600!)
Luke, Nick, Alex... I lost my phone (using an even crappier back up now), so Saturday I am going to Verizon to pick up a Droid, or the newest Droid. Whichever has REAL buttons. But either has GPS, and the latter has a GPS tracker. Two birds in one stone, hopefully!!
A few new birds have been ever so slowly coming into CT. I had my first BWWA (2) and Wood thrush yesterday.
There has got to be warblers around, weather was perfect for birds to be found yesterday. Frank Mantlik pulled the first Parula of CT yesterday, a willet was at Stratford Point, Cattle egrets were upstate, and an Am. Golden Plover.
Kepp those eyes peeled nd your necks strained to the tree tops! Yellow has been seen in CT as of 4/17.
Bulgaria (May 2024) - Wrap Up
5 weeks ago
Hey Brian, not sure how the Droid handles its GPS but the iPhone's GPS/mapping program is dependent on cell service to transfer its data. So, no service = no maps to view. Since you'll likely be out of cell range for a good chunk of the trip, you'd be without GPS capabilities at times. You're probably aware of all that anyway, but I thought I'd mention it. Of course, the Droid might work differently.
ReplyDeleteYou must be getting excited!
Yea I figured that. I personally like using an atlas and maps.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to look through them all, just has to have the keyboard.
I'm going nuts, actually. Almost literally. A lot of planning and running around (I admit, a bit late) on top of normal life. I can not wait to get in the truck and go.