I am off and about by 5:00a Monday morning. I just hope I stay awake for Breaking Bad!!
These last few days have been chaotic/hectic/exciting/anxious, etc..... from packing, gather, yada yada.
At least my Blue-wings came home before I left! Still no Indigo Bunting!!!!
This will be my last post until stopover #1.... somewhere near Chicago.
3 days........ then 3 months of anything I want. I am going to leave a tape recorder at various spots over night to pick up historical Americans.... where Kennedy was shot, the Alamo, Gettysburg, etc.... not for me so much, my buddy is big into the ghost mojo.
See you out west!!!!
Bulgaria (May 2024) - Wrap Up
5 weeks ago
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to you on your trip. Take it all in as you go along and be sure to stay on the safe side. Don't worry about racking up big numbers of new species. Just enjoy being out there, seeing and learning about new things. I look forward to your posts.
Thanks, Charlie.
ReplyDeleteThats what I plan to do. Birds will be there, regardless. But there is soooo much more to see than just birds.
I'm really stoked to see Baja, The Alamo, Hatteras, etc....
I'll keep this up as much as possible with updates and photos. Now that I have the phone, the laptop isn't 100% needed.... only like 98%. =)
Good luck! I am excited for you...
ReplyDeleteHey Brian, Have a great time!! I can't wait to see your posts from the various stops along the way. I'll be jealous the whole time ;-) Drive safely.